Friday, November 21, 2008

A ruffle in the sheets... November 21, 2008

I decided I would write one more time before Dave and I head to the ranch for a little R and R without our babies! 

I must say these past few days have been probably the hardest for me as a Mommy! I say that I love to cry over the sweet things in our life.. but this time I have been crying over my sweet precious baby boy and the decision we made last night with the help from really good doctors! 

Jackson will be having surgery on December 2nd at 11:30 at Methodist Children's Hospital. After a week of doctors appointments our team (Dave, myself and the doctors) have made the decision that Jackson needs surgery. He will have his tonsils and adenoids taken out and tubes put in his ears. 

Here is a little background information.. 

Jackson has always been a drooly boy! We have been noticing that he breathes predominantly with his mouth and he snores.. He has had 7 ear infections that we have treated.. but as Dr. Fitch our pediatrician has said, It is so hard to tell b/c whenever he is sick you wouldn't know because he still sleeps through the night, doesn't cry, still is active, and just is an easy little boy.. So with that being said he probably has had a lot more that we haven't treated.. Dr. Fitch has said over and over that his tonsils are so big, but he didn't ever suggest that we  needed to go see a pedi ENT. I had a feeling there was more to it all and then...

After having our parent / teacher conference a few weeks ago and being told by his teachers that children who drool at this age usually have something else going on besides teeth etc.. they suggested that I should have his tonsils checked... ( I already knew he had overly large tonsils.. but again never had any complaints that his throat hurt) I took it upon myself and called around to see who the best Pedi ENT was.. and I made the appointment and here we are now! =( It is ok.. Both doctors told us that the surgery will change his life forever and make a huge difference, which is comforting! The what- ifs and pros totally out way the cons and so we are scheduled for the 2nd. It is a really hard week of recovery, but we felt that Christmas would soon be here and his mind would totally be cleared of all of the pain and we would be able to easily put this all behind us. 

We know the Good Lord is in charge and that our Faith is the key to making good decisions and this truly has been the hardest yet! As a mom, I don't want to see my little boy go through something that will be as painful as this, but I know he is resilient and will hopefully be back to his normal sweet self a few days after. 

Next week is Thanksgiving and we have a wonderful week in store.. More to come in the coming days! 

1 comment:

Spotted-Bird said...

Everything will be fine. I think he will be much better after the surgery. Let me know if you need anything next week. Take care!