Friday, November 21, 2008

Sweet Songs- November 21, 2008

I have been thinking to myself for the past few months that blogging is truly a wonderful way to journal and really remember what is taking place in our blessed lives. I decided today was the day to begin this fun adventure and no better time to start then my favorite time of year... The Holidays!

As I sit here and type, I am listening to my 2 1/2 year old sing songs as he falls asleep and I think to myself... how lucky I am that the Good Lord gave me the greatest job of all and that is to be a mommy! It truly gives me chills. I have never been so in love and am amazed as life takes different turns everyday. Whether they are good turns or bad it only makes us stronger and my love continues to grow and grow! I never imagined it could truly continue to grow through the years, but in my short 2 1/2 it has. I even questioned how I was going to Love my little Girl the same as I did my little boy when I first was pregnant with her! Was it possible?!I knew it had to be... How can God truly provide us with the most amazing size heart? Watching the interaction of my children is the most rewarding thing I truly have ever witnessed. I am mesmerized by the love they have for each other already! The smiles they have for each other and the sweet little words Jacks has to say to his little sister EVERYDAY! His new saying is " Hi Sweet Hart" He calls her Hart! which melts me to begin with, but now he says sweet Hart! (He learned it from his daddy). Seeing Harton's response is truly picturesque. The giant smile that represents her words.. " oh my sweet brother.. you are the greatest". Knowing that they have a bond.. an ever lasting bond.. brings tears to my eyes. I always knew I wanted to be a mom of a big family.. now when I say big I mean more than a couple of children. In the last few years we have said anywhere from 5-3 kids.. and I honestly would have all that I could just because of the rewards but I am now becoming alittle more selfish and want my love to surround each one of my children to the fullest, nourish the love and continue to watch them grow. I know we aren't finished.. but for now this is the most satisfied I have ever been!  

So, jump on this journey with us and hopefully, we will make you laugh daily and love life to the fullest! xo

1 comment:

Spotted-Bird said...

So glad you decided to start the blog. Now I can keep up with y'all better. Hope to see you soon.